Chatbot with Rasa for French presidential elections
Watch out! WIP
This project is my end of study project @CentraleSupélec for the French presidential election of 2022.
It is a political chatbot built with Rasa the image is dockerized and deployed on a VM.
Source code is available on GitHub.
See the example below:
The user interacts with the chatbot via Telegram, which sends the messages to the Rasa NLU via connectors, where it identifies the intent, and responds to the Rasa Core, according to stories and actions. The models used for the conversation were generated by the trainer module and then transferred to the bot; these models can be versioned and evolved between bots.
The chatbot is able to answer questions about the candidates, the election, and the voting process. It also has a FAQ section, where the user can find answers to the most common questions. The chatbot is able to answer questions about the candidates, the election, and the voting process.
Demo version
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