Curriculum vitæ
- M.Sc. in Artificial Intelligence, Ecole Centrale Paris, 2022
- MiM, ESSEC Business School, Paris/Singapore 2022
- CPGE in Engineering, Collège Stanislas, 2017
Work experience
- Jan. 2022 – present: BCG X - Senior Data Scientist
- Specialized in AI and Machine Learning for Social Impact, Climate & Sustainability and Energy projects
- Deployed several GeoAnalytics tools for public and private clients to help them understand their exposure to climate risks and optimize their adaptation and resilience strategies
- Developed a patent-pending Optimization tool to help a major energy company design its Power-to-X strategy
- Supported a National Energy Transition Plan for an Asian country by developing the analytic backbone to simulate the impact of different energy policies on the country’s energy mix, carbon emissions and macroeconomic indicators
- May – Dec. 2022: BCG GAMMA - Visiting Data Scientist
- Development of an Advanced Analytics pilot for a luxury brand aiming at personalizing the multi touchpoint customer experience
- Implemented a demand planning pipeline for a pharmaceutical company with 6+ time series models showing a 10% increase in forecast accuracy
- Feb. – July 2021: Richemont - Data Scientist Intern
- Creation of a scoring model and recommendation engine for 30m customers based on transactions and Google Analytics data
- Deployed and automated the solution on GCP for integration into the clienteling application
- Performed behavioral analysis and customer segmentation for two maisons of the group
- Aug. – Feb. 2021: Amazon - Business Intelligence Intern
- Developed a daily automated report in python for a full team of 20 developers to monitor data pipelines on AWS
- Designed and prioritized projects for the forecasting the global on-time delivery accuracy using ML models
- Jan. – June 2020: ESSEC Business School - Research Assistant
- Developed an automated data collection and cleaning tool to extract information from over 20,000 semi-structured brokers’ reports, using pandas, Tesseract and Google APIs
- Machine learning
- pandas, numpy, scikit-learn, XGBoost, TensorFlow, PyTorch
- Time series forecasting (ARIMA, Prophet, LSTM)
- Optimization (OR-Tools, pyomo, Gurobi)
- Geo-spatial analysis (Folium, Geopandas, Xarray)
- Programming languages
- Python, R, SQL
- LaTeX
- Cloud computing
- Azure ML (Microsoft Certified : Azure Data Scientist Associate)
- Google Cloud Platform
- Data engineering
- ETL pipelines (Airflow)
- Data visualization
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn
- Plotly/Dash
- Tableau
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